This guide will walk you through different strategies for automating the deployment of your custom docker images to a ComputeStacks instance.
This makefile uses an environmental variable to store your ComputeStacks API credentials. If you will be running this from your local computer, I recommend using a tool such as direnv to manage your environmental variables.
Generate your API credentials from within the ComputeStacks interface and make them available to your local shell.
cd ~/my-project && echo 'export COMPUTESTACKS_AUTH_KEY="MY-CS-API-KEY:MY-CS-API-SEDCRET"' >> ~/.envrc
direnv allow .
Replace https://my.computestacks.com/api/container_services/100/power/rebuild
with the URL of your ComputeStacks installation, and 100
with the ID of your container service. You can easily find this by navigating to the service overview page (Projects → My Project → My Service) and looking in the URL.
.PHONY: build help run push
help: ## Help
@awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "} /^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## / {printf "\\033[36m%-30s\\033[0m %s\\n", $$1, $$2}' $(MAKEFILE_LIST)
build: ## Build Image
@docker build --progress plain -t my.registry.server/myimage:imagetag .
push: ## Deploy newly crated image
@docker push my.registry.server/myimage:imagetag
deploy: ## Trigger rebuild of site
@curl -X PUT -u "$(COMPUTESTACKS_AUTH_KEY)" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" <https://my.computestacks.com/api/container_services/100/power/rebuild>