Using our provided image it's easy to deploy and manage WHMCS on ComputeStacks.

Our image is based on our php open litespeed image which includes support for cron.

Key Facts:

This layout allows you to make the recommended modifications to WHMCS by moving templates_c, downloads, and attachments, outside of the public directory.

Finalize Installation

After launching for the first time, the container will automatically create the database and install WHMCS to the directory structure listed above. To finalize the process, you will need to complete the last steps by using the WHMCS web installer.

Navigate to your site's URL and follow the steps they list.

Config Option Value
Database Host This will be the private IP Address of the database container that would have been added during the initial order
Database Name This will be the name of the WHMCS service without the dash. For example, if your WHMCS service was friendly-newton3, the dbname would be friendlynewton3.
Database Port 3306
Database Username root
Database Password This will be visible under the database service in ComputeStacks.

Next Steps

Please review the WHMCS Further Security Steps