ComputeStacks offers an Open LiteSpeed based container image, designed to offer compatibility with common .htaccess directives, while offering exceptional performance.

Caching Plugin

Litespeed has developed their own caching plugin, which we highly recommend you use. We have found stability issues with other popular wordpress plugins.

The Litespeed plugin has full support for adding a Redis cache.

Sending Mail

Beginning with our php7.4 image, we now include a built-in MTA to allow wordpress to send mail without any kind of additional plugin. However, by default this is disabled.

To activate mail, find an SMTP provider of your choice such as Postmark, SendInBlue, Sendgrid, or Mailgun, and edit your wordpres service and add the following environmental variables:

Name Required Value Default
SMTP_SERVER Yes IP or Hostname of the SMTP server null
SMTP_PASSWORD Yes SMTP Password null
SMTP_USERNAME Yes SMTP Username null
SMTP_PORT Yes Port null
PM_STREAM No Postmark Message Stream ID null

<aside> 👉 Please see our guide to sending mail.



WP-CLI is installed and ready to use via our cloud shell.