MAPI80: User Group


List Users

GET /api/admin/users

You can optionally pass ?include=balance to see their unprocessed usage. Unprocessed usage is the amount they have accrued that has not yet been sent to your invoice & payment system.

View User

GET /api/admin/users/{user_id}

In addition to querying a user by their user_id, you may also load a user by the following:

Attribute Query Param Example
email find_by_email /api/admin/users/{Base64.encode64('[email protected]')}?find_by_email=true
external_id find_by_external_id /api/admin/users/{some-external-id}?find_by_external_id=true
WHMCS Service ID find_by_label=whmcs_service_id /api/admin/users/{whmcs-service-id}?find_by_label=whmcs_service_id

Create User

POST /api/admin/users

<aside> đź’ˇ We also have a non-admin endpoint for creating users: /api/users


Field Notes
User Email Address While we require a unique, and valid, email address, you may elect to have it only valid in terms of syntax, not deliverability. If you pass the option “skip_email_confirm”: true in your json request, we will set the email as valid and not send a confirmation email.
External ID All users have an external_id field, which is also visible in the Administrator. You’re able to use this for your integration and store a value to help identify this user in your system.
Labels Users have a key value label section that you can use to store additional details about the user. When viewing the user, the field will be labels, however when creating the user, please use the parameter merge_labels.

Additional User Field Notes

Field Type Notes
active Boolean Suspended, or un-suspended.
is_admin Boolean Grant admin access to this user.
currency String Must be a 3-digit code, like EUR or USD.
bypass_billing Boolean Whether or not billing data should be processed by any billing integration.
company_name String
locale String A 2-digit language code like en, fr, or de.