<aside> ⚠️ You're currently viewing version 71 of our User API (UAPI). The Latest version is 80.



UAPI71: Collaborations

UAPI71: Container Registry

UAPI71: Container Services

UAPI71: Containers

UAPI71: DNS Zones

UAPI71: Domains

UAPI71: Event Logs

UAPI71: Image

UAPI71: Subscriptions

UAPI71: Ingress Rules

UAPI71: Load Balancers

UAPI71: Locations

UAPI71: Orders

UAPI71: Products

UAPI71: Projects

UAPI71: User

UAPI71: Volume


Basic Auth

Using basic authentication is the easiest way to get started with our API. However, keep in mind that the API credentials that are generated for basic authentication give full access to your entire account, just as if you were logged into the control panel.

If you plan to distribute an application using our API, or allow more than one user access to the tool you're building, please use OAuth. This is the more secure alternative as it allows you to restrict what your application can do while authenticated to your account.

Invalidating tokens / api keys

When you generate a new api key in ComputeStacks, any previously generated tokens will be immediately invalidated.


Our OAuth2 endpoint supports the following grant types:

Scopes allow you to restrict what access your OAuth application has access to. When your users authenticate, they will be shown what access you're requesting, so please only request access to the scopes you will actually need.

Endpoint Type URL
Token URL /api/oauth/token
Authorization URL /api/oauth/authorize

Available Scopes

Data Types


All collection requests will be paginated using the headers Per-Page and Total. To set these values in your request, pass the URL params page= and per_page=.


You may optionally request a specific API version by modifying the Accept header with: application/json; api_version=71, where 71 is the version of the API.

If you omit this value, then the current version will be used.

Current version: 60